An Invitation to Serve
The men and women of Hallmark Baptist Church meet separately on the third Wednesday evening of every month to work on projects benefiting community organizations or to meet other needs as they arise. Our goal is not only to improve the lives of people in our community here and now, but to show them the way to find forgiveness and eternal life through Christ as our contact with them creates opportunity.
Projects have included:
- Visiting and helping families in crisis situation
- Care packages and supplies for Birthright in Mauldin
- Adopt a family at Christmas
- Refreshments and goodies to First Responders & nursing home staffs
- Supplies donated to Switch (assistance to victims of human trafficking)
- Distribution of Blessing bags to senior citizens and those in need
- Blankets, bibles, and gift bags to Moms who have infants in NICU
- Jewelry donations to nursing homes